domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009


I was born in 1978, 10th of May. I’m a bit on the plump side, my skin is rather clear and I have brown eyes and brown and not very long hair.
Pink is my favourite colour and I like plain and comfortable clothes. The truth is that I’m not very busybody. The shoes with a lot of heel are very pretty, but they aren’t for me. They are too much uncomfortable.
I’ve always though of myself as a loyal, honest, confidence, sincere y not very talkative person. I hope everybody give me the same I give them. Some times this thinking has caused me some disappointment because it takes all sorts.

I have strong personality and I’m a bit mule, but I’m quiet and I don’t make angry easily. From time to time, I like to be alone for thinking, reflecting and planning the future. I analyse a lot the possibilities and the consequences of my decisions before I take them. So, I hate people hurry me and it is so difficult I change my decision when I have already chosen.

I’m very methodical and predictable. I like to do the things practically and logically. Usually, I try not to be too much optimistic for avoid disappointments and frustrated illusions, but I’ve never though of myself as a pessimistic person. Simply, I like find the reality of all. I value a lot the stability. So, I also value a lot the money, although I’m not mean. I like keep some money for any setback or any whim.
I love the nature because it relax me. I spend my weekends walking on the mountain or visiting some rural villages.

1 comentario:

Living Rich dijo...

Good Description of Yourself for a learner. I expect to read something more interesting form you.Have a good day.